Attracting Bees to your Garden the safe way

Attracting Bees to the Garden
The following tips will help you create a beautiful garden that is helpful to bees and other beneficial insects.
Create Diversity and Color: Some creatures may be color blind, but not bees. The more color and the wider variety of flowers in your garden, the better.
Use Native Plants: Native bees will be most attracted to native plants that they are familiar with. Mix a few in with your favorite ornamentals. Contact your local nursery or independent garden center, your state's Native Plant Society, or your local Cooperative Extension office for a list of native plants for your area.
Plant Flowers in Clusters: Larger groupings of flowers (instead of sporadically spaced single plants) attract more bees. Even if you only have a small garden area or a few containers to plant in, it will be beneficial to local foraging bees.
Plan for a Succession of Blooms: Plant some flowers that bloom in spring, some in summer, and some in fall. That will provide food for the bees over a long period of the year.
Plant in Sunny Areas: Bees prefer to forage in sunny, protected areas where they won't be bombarded by wind.
Put Flowers in the Vegetable Garden: If you intersperse some flowers that bees love with your veggies, it will help increase pollination of your vegetables for a better crop.
Allow Some Vegetables and Herbs to Bolt: Leaving a few vegetables and herbs in the garden in the fall will allow them to flower and provide late season food for bees.
Garden Organically: Use non-toxic forms of pest control. Even organic pesticides may kill beneficial insects like bees and butterflies.
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